facRecast.alldiffs: Reorders and/or revises the factor levels using the order of.facCombine.alldiffs: Combines several factors into one in the components of an.exploreLSDs.alldiffs: Explores the computed LSD values for pairwise differences.estimateV.asreml: Forms the estimated variance, random or residual matrix for.

: Determines the set of significant terms from results stored.chooseModel.asrtests: Determines and records the set of significant terms using an.chooseModel: Determines the set of significant terms using p-values and.ChickpeaEnd: A large data set comprising the end of imaging data from a.changeTerms.asrtests: Adds and drops the specified sets of terms from one or both.changeModelOnIC.asrtests: Uses information criteria to decide whether to change an.bootREMLRT.asreml: Uses the parametric bootstrap to calculate the p-value for a.asrtests.object: Description of an asrtests object.asremlPlusTips: The randomly-presented, startup tips.asremlPlus-package: Augments 'ASReml-R' in Fitting Mixed Models and Packages.asremlPlus-deprecated: Deprecated Functions in the Package asremlPlus.as.ame: Forms a 'ame' from a 'ame', ensuring.as.asrtests: Forms an asrtests object that stores (i) a fitted asreml.as.alldiffs: Forms an 'alldiffs.object' from the supplied predictions.angular.mod: Applies the modified angular transformation to a vector of.angular: Applies the angular transformation to proportions.alldiffs.object: Description of an alldiffs object.: Using supplied predictions and standard errors of pairwise.addBacktransforms.alldiffs: Adds or recalculates the backtransforms component of an.